Welcome to Laithes Primary Governor Section
The Laithes Primary LGB was created during the 2021-2022 academic year as it transitioned away from the IEB which was in place from the academy’s inception into the ECM Trust. This transition was possible because of the impressive and hard work by Mrs Fletcher, Emma Sanderson (Chair of IEB), the wider IEB and the school team on the ground daily, ensuring the school quickly moved from Requires Improvement to Good Overall and with Early Years Provision graded Outstanding. When you visit the academy, you will understand why these judgements where made!
The Local Governing Body of Laithes consists of people with a wealth of experience and backgrounds from the local area and community. They are tasked with being the ‘stewards’ of the academy as it builds on its GOOD judgment, aspiring for OUTSTANDING overall. Pen portraits are below of all those who serve on the LGB.
Our Governors are proud to work with Laithes and be part of the ECM Trust which is local to the area and understands the needs of its individual academies; providing focused support where it is needed. Our Scheme of Delegation along with other relevant information about our LGB and our Trust can be found below.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
Chair of Laithes LGB: Mr Ian Hague-Brown
Chair of Trustees for ECM: Mr William Ward
CEO of ECM: Mrs Gerry Wilson
Governor Profiles:
Georgina Fletcher – Ex-Officio – Headteacher
Information about our Headteacher can be found in the staff section of the website.
Ian Hague-Brown – Trust Appointed (Chair of Governors)
I am delighted to be part of Laithes Primary Local Governing Body and support the school and its community on the journey ahead. I have over 13 years of experience in school governance including Chairing a single Primary, Federated Primary and an SEMH school. I work in education myself as a secondary school Curriculum Leader, where I have responsibility for the Humanities subject area and a large staff team. As an educator myself, I understand the challenges pupils face in school and life. I very much want to help Laithes become the first-choice school for parents in the catchment area and ensure Laithes gives children the springboard they deserve to a bright and successful future.
Paul Barradell – Trust Appointed (Safeguarding and Inclusion Governor)
I am very proud to be a school governor at Laithes primary, the school is amazing with amazing facilities and amazing staff, the staff work very hard to ensure all pupils needs are always achieved. I am a full-time karate instructor and I work and teach children from 6 years of age to secondary school age; I am really looking forward to working with the school going forward.
Neil Wright - ECM Trust Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)
Having gained 3 years’ experience in being an ECM trust school governor at Athersley South Primary School, I wanted to use this experience to aid Laithes Lane too. I have my two nieces that attend the school and therefore can relate to the high standard of education being delivered by the staff. I work in the public transport sector, based within the engineering department with 30 years continual service. It's vital that all staff at Laithes are supported by governors in order to overcome fresh challenges and maintain the current high levels of achievement.
Vanessa Pinhao - Parent Governor
I am very proud to be a Parent Governor at Laithes Primary School. I have two daughters attending this in Year 2. My girls love the school and all the staff. I work in the Food Industry at a Supervisory level. I am looking forward to work with the school going forward.
K Jowett-Shirt
Information to follow
Lucy Tucker – Staff Governor
Information about our Staff Governor can be found in the staff section of the website.
Contact Details:
SAFEGUARDING ISSUE: If you are contacting about a Safeguarding issue, please ensure you check out the dedicated page to safeguarding to ensure your query/concern goes to the most relevant person:
Chair of LGB:
Ian Hague-Brown
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (01226) 281255 (Ask reception for a Call Back)
Clerk to the LGB:
Barnsley Governor Services
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01226 772620
Structure and Attendance:
Laithes Primary LGB follows the Scheme of Delegation as set out by the trust (and linked below). We operate with 2 main committees – these are listed below and detail who is part of these.
The Laithes Primary LGB was created during the 2021-2022 academic year as it transitioned away from the IEB which was in place from the academy’s inception into the ECM Trust. This transition was possible because of the impressive and hard work by Mrs Fletcher, Emma Sanderson (Chair of IEB), the wider IEB and the school team on the ground daily, ensuring the school quickly moved from Requires Improvement to Good Overall and with Early Years Provision graded Outstanding. When you visit the academy, you will understand why these judgements where made!
The Local Governing Body of Laithes consists of people with a wealth of experience and backgrounds from the local area and community. They are tasked with being the ‘stewards’ of the academy as it builds on its GOOD judgment, aspiring for OUTSTANDING overall. Pen portraits are below of all those who serve on the LGB.
Our Governors are proud to work with Laithes and be part of the ECM Trust which is local to the area and understands the needs of its individual academies; providing focused support where it is needed. Our Scheme of Delegation along with other relevant information about our LGB and our Trust can be found below.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)
Chair of Laithes LGB: Mr Ian Hague-Brown
Chair of Trustees for ECM: Mr William Ward
CEO of ECM: Mrs Gerry Wilson
Governor Profiles:
Georgina Fletcher – Ex-Officio – Headteacher
Information about our Headteacher can be found in the staff section of the website.
Ian Hague-Brown – Trust Appointed (Chair of Governors)
I am delighted to be part of Laithes Primary Local Governing Body and support the school and its community on the journey ahead. I have over 13 years of experience in school governance including Chairing a single Primary, Federated Primary and an SEMH school. I work in education myself as a secondary school Curriculum Leader, where I have responsibility for the Humanities subject area and a large staff team. As an educator myself, I understand the challenges pupils face in school and life. I very much want to help Laithes become the first-choice school for parents in the catchment area and ensure Laithes gives children the springboard they deserve to a bright and successful future.
Paul Barradell – Trust Appointed (Safeguarding and Inclusion Governor)
I am very proud to be a school governor at Laithes primary, the school is amazing with amazing facilities and amazing staff, the staff work very hard to ensure all pupils needs are always achieved. I am a full-time karate instructor and I work and teach children from 6 years of age to secondary school age; I am really looking forward to working with the school going forward.
Neil Wright - ECM Trust Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)
Having gained 3 years’ experience in being an ECM trust school governor at Athersley South Primary School, I wanted to use this experience to aid Laithes Lane too. I have my two nieces that attend the school and therefore can relate to the high standard of education being delivered by the staff. I work in the public transport sector, based within the engineering department with 30 years continual service. It's vital that all staff at Laithes are supported by governors in order to overcome fresh challenges and maintain the current high levels of achievement.
Vanessa Pinhao - Parent Governor
I am very proud to be a Parent Governor at Laithes Primary School. I have two daughters attending this in Year 2. My girls love the school and all the staff. I work in the Food Industry at a Supervisory level. I am looking forward to work with the school going forward.
K Jowett-Shirt
Information to follow
Lucy Tucker – Staff Governor
Information about our Staff Governor can be found in the staff section of the website.
Contact Details:
SAFEGUARDING ISSUE: If you are contacting about a Safeguarding issue, please ensure you check out the dedicated page to safeguarding to ensure your query/concern goes to the most relevant person:
Chair of LGB:
Ian Hague-Brown
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (01226) 281255 (Ask reception for a Call Back)
Clerk to the LGB:
Barnsley Governor Services
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01226 772620
Structure and Attendance:
Laithes Primary LGB follows the Scheme of Delegation as set out by the trust (and linked below). We operate with 2 main committees – these are listed below and detail who is part of these.
Further to this, we also have a Pay Sub-Committee and other committees are called from the membership as and when they are required such as appeals etc.
ECM Trust Website:
ECM Trust Trustees / Governance:
ECM Trust Scheme of Delegation:
ECM Articles of Association:
ECM Trust Website:
ECM Trust Trustees / Governance:
ECM Trust Scheme of Delegation:
ECM Articles of Association: